vancouver mortgage inspectionSo you have been pre-approved for that mortgage and found your dream home.

Before you go ahead and purchase that property, it is strongly recommended that you consult a good Home Inspector so that you know what you are getting yourself into. Any home that is on the market may look perfect to the naked eye on a quick showing, but the only way to really find out what is happening under the roof, in the pipes, under the flooring and on the foundation is to hire a great Home Inspector.

Here are some tips when looking for your next Home Inspector:

1. Have one ready to go when you are shopping for a home – good inspectors are always booked up to 3 days in advance. You will want to have your inspector on standby when you are negotiating the offer as you will only have 5 business days to remove subjects once your offer has been accepted.

2. Ask your friends or family if they can recommend an inspector that they trust – because your friend or family member is very satisfied with the services of their home inspector, you will most likely be just as satisfied by using him or her as well. Always, ask for a reference.

3. Ask your Realtor for a recommendation – Realtors work with Home Inspectors on a regular basis because of their line of work. Your Realtor may be a good source when looking for an excellent Home Inspector. Ask for a couple of referrals and interview them yourself to see which one you like best. If you trust your Realtor, you may very likely trust their business relationships as well.

4. Interview the Home Inspector before you hire them – Afterall, since you’re paying for the service, you’ll want to make sure that you are getting what you pay for. Always ask the inspectors for their credentials and previous work experience – if they have been in the same field for several years, it’s probably a good sign!

5. Research them online – Find out what other people are saying about their services and check out their website to find out about their fees and specialties etc. If there are testimonials that people have shared, it helps build credibility and trust. It wouldn’t hurt to ask for a couple of references from their past clients. A good inspector will have a whole list to provide!

In British Columbia, Home Inspectors must be licenced through the Canadian Association of Home & Property Inspectors. It is always recommended that you attend the inspection with the Home Inspector and go through each item on the report that is provided to you. A detailed home inspection would cost anywhere between $400 for a small to medium home and up to $700 for a larger home. At the end of the inspection you should have a good understanding on any issues or possible concerns with the home that you are about to purchase. If there are any major concerns with the home, such as plumbing or foundation – it wouldn’t hurt to get a second opinion from a specialist in the area of concern.

Find a licenced BC Home Inspector near you!
